Saskbirds - Pictures - Botswana Birds
Limosa tour to Okavango Botswana and Victoria Falls Zambia region, March 14 to 25, 2017. Tour leader Joe Grosel. Bird checklist: 251 species observed. Photographs for 157 species.
Please select a subcategory. Or, to view the entire Botswana database, click here. (PDF LINK)
Ducks and Geese
Including the Knob-billed Duck and the White-faced Duck.
Francolin and Spurfowl
Including the Crested Francolin and the Red-billed Spurfowl.
Including the Wooly-necked Stork and the Open-billed Stork.
Ibises and Spoonbill
Including the Sacred Ibis and the Hadada Ibis.
Herons and Egrets
Including the Little Egret and the Intermediate Egret.
Cormorant and Darter
Including the Darter and the Reed Cormorant.
Raptor Families
Including the Eastern Red-footed Falcon and the Lesser Kestrel.
Lapwings and Plovers
Including the Kittliz's Plover and the Three-banded Plover.
Ruff and Sandpiper
Including the Common Sandpiper and the Wood Sandpiper.
Cuckoos and Coucals
Including the Klaas's Cuckoo and the Jacobin Cuckoo.
Including the Red-eyed Dove and the Ring-necked Dove.
Including the Pearl-spotted Owlet and the African Barred Owlet.
Including the Lilac-breasted Roller and the Racket-tailed Roller.
Including the Malachite Kingfisher and the Grey-headed Kingfisher.
Including the Swallow-tailed Bee-eater and the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater.
Including the Scimitar-billed Wood Hoopoe and the Red-billed Wood Hoopoe.
Including the Bradfield's Hornbill and the Yellow-billed Hornbill.
Including the Crested Barbet and the Black-collared Barbet.
Including the Bearded Woodpecker and the Cardinal Woodpecker.
Including the White-crested Helmetshrike and the Black-crowned Tchagra.
Including the Wiretailed Swallow and the Lesser-striped Swallow.
Warblers, Cisticolas, and Allies
Including the Icterine Warbler and the Wren Warbler.
Including the Burchell's Gloosy Starling and the Cape Starling.
Thrush and Chats
Including the Kurrchane Thrush and the Arnot's Chat.
Including the White-bellied Sunbird and the Marico Sunbird.
Including the Southern Grey-headed Sparrow and the White-browed Sparrow Weaver.
Weavers, Widowbirds, and Family
Including the Spectacled Weaver and the Hulub's Golden-Weaver.
Waxbills and Firefinch
Including the Blue Waxbill and the Common Waxbill.
Indigobirds and Whydahs
Including the Village Indigobird and the Black Widowfinch.
Wagtails and Pipits
Including the Cape Wagtail and the African Pied Wagtail.
Other Species
Including the Hamerkop and the Lesser Moorhen.
Other Wildlife
Including the African Buffalo and the Nile Crocodile